Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Visiting Reader

Hailey came to us as a forth grade reader.
Hailey was demonstrating a leadership role as she took charge of our kindergarten class and read to them. She had everyones attention! Great job Hailey!!
The class loved listening to her story.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

St.Patrick's Day

Our rainbow cakewas enjoyed by all!

Learning is such a lot of fun in kindergarten.
This week we learned about Ireland and what their flag looks like. Very different than ours. We did some adding with gold coins on our promethean board. What a great place to be.
Our little leprechauns are having such a great day!!

Top of the mornin to you!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

March In like a LION!

Cooking is serious business!

Not only was it March 1st it was also Dr.Seuss animal day.

A job well done!

Our bagel lions not only looked good but they were delicious too!